Free icon download - design icon for a particular product
If you want to design an icon that sells, you need to take into account the target audience, decide the size, the meaning that it has to convey and the style. To begin with, you can download free icons and derive new design from them.
You can also create a website for free icon download and later get paid for the icons downloaded. We will have a look at the approach that you can adopt to design an icon as per your requirement and that sells.
Plan before you start
You can design either an individual icon or a group of similar icons that work together. Depending on the graphic design that you are working on, make sure that each icon represent a specific idea but at the same time work together as a whole. If you fail to plan at the beginning how the whole set of icons work, it will be a huge waste of time as you may end up redesigning. You can search for free icons download sites and download icon sets to compare and decide what kind of design you will go ahead and adopt.
Keep it Simple
Operating systems today support small to large sized icons. While the icon should be understandable and meaningful, don’t make it too illustrative. The icon should function in a simple environment effectively. Over complicating icons results in low recognition and is not compatible with all operating systems. Hence, there has to be a balancing act between the graphics that is put in the design and the simplicity to convey the message to the user.

Who is your Target Audience?
You may design icon for a particular product for a specific business need or for a larger web based audience. You have to consider the geographic as well as cultural boundaries while designing the icon. The gestures, traditions used in that culture differ from country to country. If you are designing a generic icon that is used internationally, do not use symbols that are specific for a country or region.
Design as per the size needs
Icons should be designed having a base size and should be optimized to gel with different sizes based on the program it is used in. Since we are creating pixels do not have the thought that icon is a medium that is vector based. The approach that is followed for a small icon and a large icon is completely different. There are tools in Photoshop and Illustrator called as the Icon Builder which you can make use of for making the icon scalable. If you are comfortable using both Photoshop and Illustrator, you can find a work flow that can go hand in hand between the two.
Iconion Icon generator tool is a great tool for customizing and generating icons that gives the web designers a good scalability and flexibility. There are a lot of pre designed templates available which you can make use of or you can create icon from the scratch both for desktop and also for mobile based applications.
Get Iconion
Free download for Windows and Mac!