Iconion: awesome icon creator

Iconion allows you to convert any icon font into fantastic-looking png icons by adding color, shadow, background, gradient, stroke and many other fancy elements.

Best Icon Fonts

  • Font Awesome, Entypo, Linecons, Typeicons

    Adding color, shadows, color gradients, background, stroke, icon rotation, borders and a myriad of other features are also available at Iconion.

  • Icon fonts - Introduction, Importance and Generation

    An http request is made to let the font work on your website and reduce page load size as these are only fonts not an image. Icon fonts also work perfectly well when it comes to responsive design. Some of best and free icon fonts providers are: IcoMoon, Font Awesome, Social Media Icon, Web Symbols and Zurb Foundation Icons etc.

  • Symbol font icon vs image icon

    It helps to move the tiny icons into a single file of fonts. Many high-traffic websites have replaced their site’s image icons into single symbol fonts. These fonts are used as icons, glyphs, and decorations. Symbol fonts turn the blocky raster icon images into smooth vector images through HTML. Almost all web browsers including IE6 can embed fonts in an HTML page. According to the designers, the design for an icon or logo is subtly different at different sizes.

  • Web font icons - exciting and disappointing web trend

    Luckily for web designers and developers Icon fonts do not take this road. Web icon fonts can also be described as super sprites due to them being comprised of both letters and also punctuation marks. Some of the Benefits of Icon Fonts Scaling of the Font – Resizing the fonts can be done instantaneously without the need of any graphic software such as Photoshop.

  • The Iconic Fonts Revolution - Pros and Cons

    Ever since the advent of @font-face in CSS (supported even in Internet Explorer since version 4.), web designers have found themselves free from the constraints of specifying fallback fonts likely to appear on all operating systems. Not only has this revolutionized web-based typesetting for content and navigation, but the increasing number of web-friendly icon fonts has allowed designers to use font glyphs to replace buttons and small graphics.

  • The New Iconic Fonts to Enliven Your Icon Sets

    The latest iconic fonts and symbol fonts such as Font Awesome, Entypo, Iconic, Elusive, IcoMoon, Fontello, Typeicons, Linecons, can bring more substance and value to any of the textual content that you are using on your website designs. An iconic symbol is one used as an open source in creating icons and many website designers and even webmasters are using graphical icons and fonts in order to add more attractiveness on their content and website designs.

  • Icon Converter for Better Icon Customization Experience

    Icon designing can help perk up symbols, marks or fonts that can add to a more enticing feature to any contextual or graphic presentation to a website.

  • Symbol and Icon fonts

    When you need a simple icon to enhance a word or be simply informative, icon fonts are a great alternative. Why should I use these fonts? Well I just mentioned a couple of reasons but don't worry because there a lot more good ones on why you should consider using icon fonts: Icon fonts are completely scalable, in these types of icons you can simply increase the font size and they will scale without loosing quality. i.camera-icon { color: #4BCED1; font-size: 24px; }

    Best Icon Fonts

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