Iconion: awesome icon creator

Iconion allows you to convert any icon font into fantastic-looking png icons by adding color, shadow, background, gradient, stroke and many other fancy elements.

Fontello Font

  • Icon fonts - Introduction, Importance and Generation

    An http request is made to let the font work on your website and reduce page load size as these are only fonts not an image. Icons can be simply called through @font-face rule which is being supported in even Internet Explorer 4. To use such icon fonts developers need to upload the package in your project folder and then include your fontello css file inside your web pages.

    Fontello Font

  • The New Iconic Fonts to Enliven Your Icon Sets

    The latest iconic fonts and symbol fonts such as Font Awesome, Entypo, Iconic, Elusive, IcoMoon, Fontello, Typeicons, Linecons, can bring more substance and value to any of the textual content that you are using on your website designs. With the iconion icon maker you can customize the font size, gradient, color and shadows of your cool icons giving you more room to create a font and icon design that will suit your preferences.

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